Tintagel Castle – History, Architecture, Facts, How to Reach and Ticket Price

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Tintagel Castle is an enchanting medieval fortress located in Cornwall, England. It is a popular destination for tourists because of its rich history and stunning natural beauty. The Tintagel castle was built in the 12th century by Richard, Earl of Cornwall, on a rocky outcrop that juts out into the Atlantic Ocean. Legend has it that King Arthur was born in Tintagel, making it an even more fascinating site to explore.

Tintagel Castle Cornwall
Tintagel Castle Cornwall

In this article, we will explore the history of Tintagel Castle, its architecture, and the legends surrounding it. We will also delve into the practical aspects of visiting the castle, including how to get there, what to expect, and what other attractions are nearby. So, let’s get started.

Tintagel Castle Opening Times

Monday – Sunday10:00 – 18:00
Tintagel Castle Opening Times

Tintagel Castle Ticket Price

Ticket TypeWith DonationWithout Donation
Member – Join nowFreeFree
Child (5-17 years)£11.00£10.00
Family (2 adults, up to 3 children)£47.00£42.60
Family (1 adult, up to 3 children)£29.00£26.30
Tintagel Castle Ticket Price

For the latest ticket information – Check here

Tintagel Castle Unique Facts

Here are some unique facts about Tintagel Castle:

  1. Location and Ownership: Tintagel Castle is a medieval fortification located on the peninsula of Tintagel Island adjacent to the village of Tintagel (Trevena), North Cornwall in the United Kingdom. The site is owned by the Duchy of Cornwall and managed by English Heritage.
  2. Historical Significance: The site was possibly occupied in the Romano-British period, and it was settled during the early medieval period. A castle was built on the site by Richard, 1st Earl of Cornwall in the 13th century.
  3. Archaeological Discoveries: Archaeological investigations have revealed significant traces of a high-status settlement, which had trading links with the Mediterranean world during the Late Roman period. Excavations in 2016 and 2017 uncovered the outlines of a palace from the 5th or early 6th century.
  4. Association with King Arthur: The castle has a long association with legends related to King Arthur. This was first recorded in the 12th century when Geoffrey of Monmouth described Tintagel as the place of Arthur’s conception in his mythological account of British history, Historia Regum Britanniae.
  5. Tourist Attraction: Tintagel Castle has been a tourist destination since the mid-19th century. It is one of English Heritage’s top five attractions, with around 200,000 visitors a year and up to 3000 a day in the peak summer season.
  6. Risk of Destruction: In 2022, English Heritage identified Tintagel Castle as one of six sites at risk of destruction due to coastal erosion, worsened by rising sea levels and frequent storms. A fundraising campaign was launched to protect and strengthen the site.
  7. Artistic Representations: The castle has been represented in various artistic works, including Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s poem Idylls of the King, and Thomas Hardy’s The Famous Tragedy of the Queen of Cornwall at Tintagel in Lyonnesse.
  8. Modern Additions: In the 21st century, artist Peter Graham carved a foot-high bearded face representing Merlin into a rock near a cave known as Merlin’s Cave. A cantilevered steel footbridge, designed to evoke Arthur’s sword, was opened to the public in 2019.

The History of Tintagel Castle

Tintagel Castle was built by the Earl of Cornwall in the 12th century.

The Tintagel castle was strategically located on a rocky outcrop that was easily defensible against attack. The castle changed hands several times over the centuries, with various kings and lords adding to its fortifications and embellishments.

In the 14th century, the Tintagel Castle fell into disrepair and was eventually abandoned. It remained in ruins until the 19th century when it was restored by the Duke of Cornwall.

Today, Tintagel Castle is owned by English Heritage and is a popular tourist attraction.

The Architecture of Tintagel Castle

The architecture of Tintagel Castle is a mix of styles from different eras.

The Tintagel castle was built in the 12th century and has elements of Norman architecture, including the circular keep and the gatehouse. Later additions, such as the Great Hall and the Chapel, reflect Gothic architecture.

The castle’s location on a rocky outcrop makes it a challenging site to construct, and the architects used the natural contours of the landscape to their advantage.

The castle is connected to the mainland by a narrow isthmus, and a drawbridge would have provided the only access to the castle.

Tintagel Castle Pictures

Here are some stunning Picture of the Tintagel Castle:

  • Tintagel Castle Bridge
  • Tintagel Castle Full view
  • Tintagel Castle Landscape
  • Tintagel Castle Scenic View
  • Tintagel Castle Soldier
  • Tintagel Castle view

The Legends of Tintagel Castle

One of the most famous legends surrounding Tintagel Castle is that of King Arthur. According to legend, King Arthur was conceived at Tintagel and was raised by Merlin the Magician.

The castle’s association with King Arthur has made it a popular destination for fans of Arthurian legends.

Another legend associated with Tintagel Castle is that of Tristan and Isolde.

The story goes that Tristan was sent to Tintagel to fetch Isolde for his uncle, King Mark. On the journey back to Cornwall, Tristan, and Isolde fell in love and began a tumultuous affair.

Consider reading: 22 Magical Places to Visit in Cornwall

Visiting Tintagel Castle

How to Get There

Tintagel Castle is located on the north coast of Cornwall and is easily accessible by car or public transportation. The nearest town is Tintagel, which is a short walk from the castle.

What to Expect

Visitors to Tintagel Castle can expect to see the ruins of a medieval fortress set against the backdrop of the rugged Cornish coast.

There are numerous trails and paths to explore, including a steep staircase that leads down to the beach below the castle.

There is also a visitor center on site that provides information about the history of the castle and the surrounding area.

The visitor center also has a gift shop and a café where visitors can enjoy a meal or a snack.

Other Attractions Near Tintagel Castle

There are several other attractions near the Castle that visitors may wish to explore.

The nearby town of Tintagel is home to several shops and restaurants, as well as a museum dedicated to the history of the area.

Just a short drive away is the village of Boscastle, which is known for its charming harbor and historic buildings.

Visitors can also take a scenic drive along the coast to the town of Port Isaac, which is famous for its picturesque streets and its association with the television show “Doc Martin.”


Tintagel Castle is a fascinating attraction that offers visitors a glimpse into the history and legends of Cornwall. Whether you are a fan of King Arthur and the Round Table or simply enjoy exploring medieval ruins, Tintagel Castle is a must-see destination.

From its stunning location on the Cornish coast to its mix of architectural styles and legends, Tintagel Castle is a truly unique attraction that should not be missed.

FAQs on Tintagel Castle

  1. Can you climb to the top of Tintagel Castle?

    Visitors are not permitted to climb to the top of the castle’s keep, but there are several other areas of the castle that are open to exploration.

  2. Is Tintagel Castle suitable for children?

    Yes, Tintagel Castle is suitable for children, but parents should be aware that there are steep staircases and rocky terrain on the site.

  3. Is there a car park at Tintagel Castle?

    Yes, there is a car park near the castle, but spaces can fill up quickly during peak tourist season.

  4. What is the best time of year to visit Tintagel Castle?

    The castle is open year-round, but the best time to visit is during the summer months when the weather is mild and the days are long.

  5. Are there guided tours of Tintagel Castle?

    Yes, English Heritage offers guided tours of the castle for an additional fee. Visitors can also download an audio guide from the English Heritage website.

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